Monday, January 30, 2006
Anyone who just saw the Countdown segment on charitable giving for Katrina victims might have noticed that Lisa Myers repeated the $85B spin point. I'm afraid that it's become an accepted talking point, but it couldn't hurt to email Countdown. There's a link on the Countdown link, or you can email them directly: Show repeats at 11
Updated Tues 1/31
correct link for last night's Countdown.Closing line of segment:
The federal government has designated $85 billion, and many believe even that won‘t be enough.
The segment wasn't about federal Katrina spending, but I'm afraid that the doubly inflated (the $67B wasn't all relief and reconstruction, that was padded by $18B) $85 figure has gained general acceptance. It'll make it that much harder to get more funding.
Updated Tues 1/31
correct link for last night's Countdown.Closing line of segment:
The federal government has designated $85 billion, and many believe even that won‘t be enough.
The segment wasn't about federal Katrina spending, but I'm afraid that the doubly inflated (the $67B wasn't all relief and reconstruction, that was padded by $18B) $85 figure has gained general acceptance. It'll make it that much harder to get more funding.
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Hey, let's stop begging Washington for money. Louisiana has the power to tax refinery oil at a dollar a barrel. That would raise 985 million a year, enough to bond out to fund our own coastal restoration and levees.
I'm sick of begging in Washington.
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I'm sick of begging in Washington.
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