Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why didn't I think of that?

From the real estate section of yesterday's paper:
I have just watched Barack Obama take the oath of office and I am uplifted by our nation's peaceful transition of power. It gets me thinking about presidents past: What better way to celebrate them, I decide, than a Street Walk on one of the "president" streets near Bayou St. John? I land on Wilson Drive, named for the 28th president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson.

I can't believe I rode my bike straight home from work last Tuesday without taking a left at either Orleans or Dumaine. It would have been so easy to cap a historic day by crossing either bridge to take a detour down Taft, Roosevelt, Harding or Wilson. Instead, I thoughtlessly continued from Jeff Davis to Moss to Bell. Oh well, it shouldn't be long until Obama's first "State of the Union" address.

I don't quite understand the paper's description of the neighborhood's location:
Parkview, a historic district added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1995. The district includes a narrow sliver that stretches from North Rocheblave Street on the east to Bayou St. John on the west, and between Esplanade Ridge on the north and Mid-City on the south. The distinct character of this section of Parkview derives from the consistency and quality of its early 20th-century architecture and the glittering bayou that borders it.

N. Rocheblave is on my side of Bayou St.John, the "president" streets are all on the other side.

But then there's Olga. A Harding mistress, maybe?
Seriously. What better way to celebrate the inauguration of the nation's first African American President than a nice stroll down Woodrow Wilson Drive.
I wonder if she went home and watched Wilson's favorite movie on DVD.
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