Monday, September 08, 2008

What a jennywoman

He keeps talking like a bitch, somebody's gonna coldcock* him:
“We had an agreement,” Nagin said. “The state was behind it, all the parishes were behind it, that we would going to allow our utilities and our hospitals to get in front of our people getting back.”

He said that reentry was supposed to start Thursday, but that some people “jumped the gun,” speeding up the process ahead of schedule and putting people in the city before the needed services were put back in place.

I didn't know which of the posts that I started Saturday were still timely, but I heard that whining this morning. Since Katrina, I've wondered how many mandatory evacuations we could have before people started ignoring mandatory evacuation orders. I had no idea that the mayor would botch re-entry so badly that the answer would be one.

Anyway, no internet when I got home Friday night, I didn't get an internet connection or cable until Sunday. I started a couple of posts (on Word) Saturday, but was too busy to finish them yesterday. I addressed the topic of one in a comment that I made at Pistolette's. Seriously, how many professional communicators does it take to f***-up a simple message? The message on CNN Tuesday morning was that the mayor was urging residents to stay away, that implied that they could return. Of course, later in the day, you could turn on CNN and see seemingly ordinary, non-tiered residents walking or riding their bikes in front of news cameras.

I also gave away the post comparing Bobby Jindal to Les Miles in a few comments at YRHT. I won't bother to finish that post, but I think we can all agree that Bryan Wagner made the dumb-ass statement of the week:
"God made Bobby Jindal to handle hurricanes," said Bryan Wagner, chairman of the Louisiana delegation.

Nagin was the dumb-ass of the week, but Wagner made the dumbest statement. However, several GOP members and Picayune writers gave him a run for his money. Sorry Oyster, Wagner's New Orleans' Sarah Palin. I suppose that it could have been intentional, not-quite serious hyperbole on Wagner's part, but can one ever assume that when Republicans talk about God?

Update: I can't find a link to CNN, but the story tuesday morning was very similar to this. Even if the mayor's office issued a statement saying that residents wouldn't be allowed to return and used the phrase "urging residents to stay away" while explaining the reasons, that was piss poor communication from a highly paid communications staff.

*I really hate the term "bitch slap." I don't like to use the word bitch, but God, C. Ray sounds like a whiny bitch. However, that is the first time that my use of the word "jennywoman" (or "jenny woman," or ginny woman) hasn't felt forced.

Great post. Glad to see you up and running on the internets again.

In that YRHT post, I wanted to praise Jindal's performance without the obligatory "but..." qualifiers-- even though the media had already written several lengthy encomiums about Wonderboy's greatness. I wasn't trying to break new ground with the post. It was just a straightforward "good job", that's all.


"Sorry Oyster, Wagner's New Orleans' Sarah Palin."

That's fair enough.

"I suppose that it could have been intentional, not-quite serious hyperbole on Wagner's part, but can one ever assume that when Republicans talk about God?"

No. Hell no.
"In that YRHT post, I wanted to praise Jindal's performance without the obligatory "but..." qualifiers"

I know that, I had no objections to your or Pistolette's (or any other bloggers) posts on the subject. Had I finished the post substituting Les Miles's name for Bobby Jindal's ("God made Les Miles to defeat championship division football teams"), I would have made that explicit.
"I had no objections to your or Pistolette's (or any other bloggers) posts on the subject( Jindal's performance)."

Holy mother of retards and unwed pregnant teenage sluts!!!! Now that is funny. You are way to modest not to enter the dumbest statement of the week crapola. Dat be so funny.
Wow, D-BB, I'm honored. You don't just take the time to read my blog posts, you read my responses to comments as well. Not that I need to make excuses to you, but people who, you know, actually have to work when at work understand that comments are often written hurriedly while on break.

Still, I'm curious, what's so stupid? Excluding the bloggers who merely complimented Jindal from the criticism of politicians and journalists who made him sound like the Messiah? Sorry for not spelling out the distinction. Being reluctant to disagree with other bloggers? I don't think anybody would accuse me of that. Did "I had no objections..." strike you as pretentious? Sorry for not taking the time to find le mot juste, but I think I got across the message that it was the hero-worship I objected to, not giving some credit where credit's due. I guess you have more time for parsing my comments than I have for writing them. What are you, a government employee or something?

The french phrase was a joke, BTW.
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