Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Art of the Possible

Schroeder takes a much more positive view of last Thursday's city council meeting than I do. A reform measure was placed on the ballot, but, reading between the lines, it strikes me more as a triumph of discretion than as a victory for reform. Don't want be too negative, but I'm certainly not ready to break out the champagne.

I've asked Cynthia Willard Lewis' office for additional information on classification changes she's shepherding through the Council. It's no surprise to me that I haven't heard a reply. This is par for the course for a woman whose windbag only activates after she can make the case that she hasn't been consulted about something (because she wasn't paying attention in the first place).

A number of amendments to the civil service pay scale classifications are moving through the Council.

Here's one of them you may find interesting.

Taxpayers and professionals alike might like to ask, among other questions, who some of these people are, what their qualifications are for these positions, how important their respective duties are to the daily lives of citizens, whether their salaries fairly compare to the salaries of vital life-saving city workers, say, firefighters or police dispatch operators, how the jobs were advertised, what the relation of the hires is to particular members of the Nagin administration (and Cynthia Willard Lewis), and what criteria were used in deciding upon the salaries.
BTW, I copied Hedge Morrell as well. Her email bounced back (as it often does). I just sent another inquiry to double check -- this time it didn't bounce.
Geoff Brien has slithered his way through every office in City Hall.
That's interesting, how common a name is Glapion? I don't know how chummy Willard-Lewis dad was with either of the Glapions on the school board, but I couldn't help but notice the name.

I didn't notice anything about the library but I noticed the person here (link no longer works):

NO. M-05-144 - BY: COUNCILMEMBER GILL PRATT (BY REQUEST) - Establishing the salary for the individual named to the following position at the Pay Grade and Step indicated below, inclusive of longevity, effective as of January 1, 2005:
Urban Policy Specialist IV
Executive Assistant to the N.O. Public Library Board 60/31 $44,061
NO. M-05-145 - BY: COUNCILMEMBER GILL PRATT (BY REQUEST) - Establishing the salary for the individual named to the following position at the Pay Grade and Step indicated below, inclusive of longevity, effective as of February 15, 2005

(sorry,it didn't copy well) has recently been referred to the library chief operating officer. I deleted her name, because I don't want to insinuate anything about somebody that I've never heard anything bad about. But it's strange that she got bumped up to such an important, and probably high paying, position with so little attention. I don't have anything against the person, but I don't like all the creation of new high salaried jobs -- there was no chief operating officer before Katrina.
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