Monday, June 26, 2006

So You See

I heard about this crime wave on Magazine St. So, I thought, call out the national guard. But then I remembered that the crime wave involved transvestites. Hell, there should be an actual joke with a set-up and punchline in there. Damned if I can come with anything more than random association.

Seriously though, this is the last straw. No more pussy footing around with low-key, polite criticisms of the Times Picayune and the local television news. It's one thing to underreport crime and ignore other problems, but to bury a story like that is just inexcusable.

Damned if I can come with anything more than random association.

Well, Lou Reed (aside from using that line in Waltzing Mathilda) was at one time involved with a transvestite named Rachel. Maybe there's something there...
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