Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Just a quick point, Peggy "I don't understand" Wilson will never be elected mayor. Even the most uptowny white Republicans that I know thinks she's dumber than mud. Some, maybe most of them, will vote for her but very few will actively support her. If Fahrenholtz were elected without strong black support it would be very divisive, but I'm waiting for a fourth known candidate to enter. Anyway, I hope that it's not fear of a Mayor Wilson that's muting support (need to proofread better, obviously that should have been criticism) of Nagin. Does anyone even think that could happen?

Still to difficult to do real blogging with links, but everyone should pay attention to the story on p. A-11 of today's T/P. Seems they're still sucessfully playing La. against Miss. and the rest of La. against N.O. The publisher of the Gulfport Sun Herald really should know better.

Y'all are maybe gonna have to come up with some good alternatives for mayor PDQ, cuz I'm thinking Nagin will resign.
"Still to difficult to do real blogging with links, but everyone should pay attention to the story on p. A-11 of today's T/P."

Try Firefox, with its extension "Blog This" or "Performancing" -- takes a lot of the tedium out of blogging.
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